The journal of
the British Association for the Study of Religions (BASR)
Edited by the Executive
Committee of BASR
ISSN 0967-8948
ARCHIVE of DISKUS volumes to backup the
archive on the University of Marburg's Internet Journal site
please note that all articles in this archive are stored and downloadable as .txt files
Volume 1-6 (1999-2000)
Volume 1.1 (1993)
Volume 1.2 (1993)
Volume 2.1 (1994)
Volume 2.2 (1994)
Volume 3.1 (1995)
Volume 3.2 (1995)
Volume 4.1 (1996)
Volume 4.2 (1996)
Volume 5 (1999)
Volume 6 (2000)

Volume 1.1 (1993)
Volume Index
Kim Knott,
'Contemporary Theological Trends in the
Hare Krishna Movement'.
Andrew Rawlinson,
'A History of Western Sufism'
Ninian Smart, 'The Formation rather than the Origin of a Tradition'
Klaus-Dieter Stoll,
'Pay now, Pray later:
Part 1: The emergence of the Electronic Church'
Peter Woodward,
'Empathetic Guidelines for the Ethnographic
Study of Jewish Children in Britain'
Volume 1.2 (1993)
Volume Index
'The Persistence of Sects'
'Christianity and State Shinto in Colonial Korea:
A Clash of Nationalisms and Religious Beliefs'
'Individualism in its Indian Context'
Nicholas SUTTON,
'Issues Arising from the Distinctions Drawn
Between Theology and Religious Studies'
A short critique of Nick Sutton's paper: "Issues Arising from the Distinctions Drawn
Between Theology and Religious Studies"'
Volume 2.1 (1994)
Volume Index
Fiona BOWIE,
'Hildegard of Bingen and Medieval Women's
Marion BOWMAN,
'Islam, Adat and Multiculturalism in Malaysia'
'Otto, Wach and Heiler: Towards a Systematic Phenomenology of Religion'
Lia POP,
'Religion in a Romanian Town: Values and "Interethnicity" in Oradea'
Klaus-Dieter STOLL,
'Pay Now, Pray Later - Part 2:
The Electronic Church in the United Kingdom'

Volume 2.2
Volume Index
Possession Rites and the Tantric Temple:
A Case-Study from Northern Kerala.
Sandra BELL,
Practice Makes Perfect - Symbolic Behaviour
and Experience in Western Buddhism
Sewa Singh KALSI, Sacred Symbols in British Sikhism
Denise CUSH and Catherine ROBINSON, The Contemporary Construction of Hindu Identity:
Hindu Universalism and Hindu Nationalism.
George D CHRYSSIDES, New Religious Movements:
Some Problems of definition
Volume 3.1
Volume Index
Beatrice LEUNG, Religious Freedom and the Constitution in the
People's Republic of China:
Interpretation and Implementation.
Peter CONNOLLY, Hypnotic Dimensions of Religious Worldviews.
Tim FITZGERALD, Religious Studies as Cultural Studies:
A Philosophical and Anthropological Critique of the concept of Religion
A. M. OKORIE, Ala-Umuokoroala: the Divinity of an African
Igbo Village.
Peter WOODWARD, The Kitchen and the Study: An Examination of Selected
Gender-Related Issues as seen in Jewish Families and
in the Upbringing of Jewish Children.

Volume 3.2
Volume Index
Douglas DAVIES,
Jural and Mystical Authority in
Religions: Exploring a Typology
Theodore GABRIEL, The Malaysian Government and Christian-Muslim Relations in Malaysia
Steven SUTCLIFFE, The Authority of the Self in New Age religiosity:
the example of the Findhorn Community
Sewa Singh KALSI, Problems of Defining Authority in Sikhism
Helen WATERHOUSE, Who is the Karmapa? Western Buddhist Responses to
a Challenge to Traditional Religious Authority
Bob EXON, Research Report: Self-accounting for Conversion
by Western Devotees of Modern Hindu
Religious Movements

Volume 4.1
Volume Index
Peggy MORGAN, The Authority of Believers in The Study
of Religions
Simonetta CALDERINI, Cosmology and authority in medieval Ismailism
A. D. BREAR, The Authority of Pramukh Swami within the
Swaminarayan Hindu Mission
Graham HARVEY, The Authority of Intimacy in Paganism and
Goddess Spirituality
George D CHRYSSIDES, The Seat of Authority in Unitarianism
Paul BADHAM, Sources of Authority in Christian Ethics

Volume 4.2
Volume Index
An Invented Piety: Ramadan on Syrian TV
Michael YORK, BACRA and the Media: Defending the Cult in the
Politics of Representation
Ron GEAVES, Baba Balaknath: An exploration of Religious
George D CHRYSSIDES, New Religions and the Internet

Volume 5
Max Deeg
Multiculturalism In Asian Religions: North India, Central Asia And China In Ancient Times
Andreas Ackermann
The Social Engineering Of Culture And Religion In Singapore
Reginald W. Bibby
Multiculturalism In Canada: A Methodologically Inadequate Political Virtue
Michelle Spuler
The Impact Of Multiculturalism On Australian Religious Traditions
Gerrie ter Haar
Imposing Identity: The Case Of African Christians In The Netherlands
Helena Helve
Multiculturalism And Values Of Young People
Denise Cush
Potential Pioneers Of Pluralism: The Contribution Of Religious Education To Intercultural Education in Multicultural Societies
Martin Baumann
Multiculturalism And The Ambiguity Of Recognizing Religion

Volume 6
Speaking Shamanistically: Seidr, Academia And Rationality
Nature, The Natural And Pagan Identity
Tanice G. FOLTZ
Sober Witches And Goddess Practitioners: Women's Spirituality And Sobriety
Weaving a tangled web? Pagan ethics and issues of history, 'race' and ethnicity in pagan identity
''Conversion' to Wicca?
Fantasy in the Study Of Religions: Paganism As Observed And Enhanced By Terry Pratchett
'Virtual Paganism' Or Direct Action? The Implications Of Road Protesting For Modern Paganism
Demarcating The Field: Paganism, Wicca And Witchcraft
Shelley Tsivia RABINOVITCH
Heal The Universe And Heal The Self: Bateson's Double-Bind And North American Wiccan Practice
Catherine ROBINSON
Druids And Brahmins: A Case Of Mistaken Identity?
Michael YORK
Nature Religion As A Contemporary Sectarian Development