A Woman of Many Parts

  • Peggy Morgan Mansfield College, Oxford


This article seeks to demonstrate the wide-ranging nature of Professor Ursula King’s research and intellectual interests within the field of religious studies. It highlights her personal engagement not only with issues in science, ecology and religions, Hinduism, education, spirituality, feminist and gender studies on an international stage, but also her involvement dialogically with the people whose work and religious lifeways she has encountered.  It shows a continuing and remarkable vitality and freshness in an arena of interests across both local, personal and global issues.

How to Cite
MORGAN, Peggy. A Woman of Many Parts. Journal of the British Association for the Study of Religion (JBASR), [S.l.], v. 19, p. 8-17, apr. 2018. ISSN 2516-6379. Available at: <https://jbasr.com/ojs/index.php/jbasr/article/view/13>. Date accessed: 24 feb. 2025. doi: https://doi.org/10.18792/jbasr.v19i0.13.