The journal of
the British Association for the Study of Religions (BASR)
Edited by the Executive
Committee of BASR
ISSN 0967-8948
Volume 7 (Autumn 2006)
Index of Articles

This is the first
issue of DISKUS to appear as the journal of the British Association
for the Study of Religions. As such, it represents a gradual evolution
in published output by the BASR, which began producing a Bulletin in
1972 and then issued its Annual Lectures as a series of Occasional Papers
starting in 1991. Selected articles from the Occasional Papers series
were published to mark the 50th Anniversary of the BASR in 2004 in a
book entitled Religion: Empirical Studies, edited by Steven Sutcliffe
(Ashgate, 2004). In her Foreword to the book, Peggy Morgan, who served
as Honorary President of the BASR from 2000 to 2003, observed that the
volume confirms ‘the intellectual vitality and diversity of debate
and educational relevance of its subject matter’. In one sense,
therefore, by assuming editorial responsibility for DISKUS, the BASR
is continuing a tradition begun over thirty years ago when it began
to publish a Bulletin, which in recent years has provided much more
than news concerning activities of the Association by including a series
of scholarly articles and debates within the field of Religious Studies,
special features and book reviews.
Yet, this issue
of DISKUS also marks a turning point for the British Association for
the Study of Religions, since it is taking responsibility for an electronic
journal with an impressive history. DISKUS began its life in 1993 under
the direction of Brian Bocking and Gavin Flood, when the first issue
was produced on a computer disk only. They noted then that the name
of the journal ‘reflects its purpose of stimulating on-DISK DISCUSsion’
focusing on matters related to contemporary religions. The first issues
were placed on disks which could be posted, but subsequently DISKUS became incorporated into a web-based consortium of journals called the
Internet Journal of Religion, hosted at the University of Marburg under
the direction of Michael Pye. Since the journal in recent years has
not been active, the BASR Executive was asked to consider reviving it,
in the first instance, by transforming the Occasional Papers Series
into a journal format, with an intention of restoring DISKUS into an
important review of issues relevant to the academic study of religions.
This first issue
under the auspices of the BASR features three papers, two of which were
presented at the BASR Day Conference held in London in September 2005.
The first by Frank Whaling, who has a long relationship with the BASR
and was Professor of Religious Studies in the University of Edinburgh
until his retirement in 1999, reviews the history of our field of study.
This is then followed by a paper presented by Seth Kunin of the University
of Durham, which poses issues for the academic study of religions emerging
from perspectives within the anthropology of religion. The third paper,
by Brian Bocking of the School of Oriental and African Studies, examines
the issue of the elemental role of experience in determining religious
beliefs. These three excellent papers turn the first issue of the BASR
version of DISKUS into one with a strongly methodological focus, with
one article incorporating a historical perspective, another discussing
appropriate ways to interpret religious behaviour and practices in social
contexts and the third focusing on the relationship between individual
and communal influences on religious experience. This is a fitting new
beginning for DISKUS, since the place of the study of religions as a
field of study in its own right forms a continuing point of contention
amongst scholars. The debate over the so-called sui generis content
of religion needs to be placed into a clear historical context and at
the same time challenged by disciplinary perspectives originating from
the social sciences. In this sense, these initial articles may set the
stage for further DISCUSsion of the legitimate place and appropriate
role of Religious Studies in the academy.
The Editorial Board
of DISKUS will fall to the Executive Committee of the BASR. This entails
a firm commitment not only by the present Executive, but my those who
will be elected as Officers in the future. The continuity of the project,
however, is assured in a way similar to the manner the BASR Bulletin
has been maintained over the past several years, by co-opting an editor
onto the Executive Committee. In this case, Mathew Guest of the University
of Durham has accepted the role of co-ordinator of DISKUS and thus for
representing its interests on the Executive Committee. He has assumed
this position as a natural follow-up from his former responsibility
as Occasional Papers Editor. Nonetheless, the other members of the Executive
will contribute significantly to developing policy for DISKUS and for
maintaining its continued viability. For this reason, we are beginning
in a small way by producing an annual issue, comprised in the first
instance of Annual Lectures given at the most recent BASR Conference,
a pattern that will be followed for the foreseeable future, although
other papers that are deemed particularly significant by Executive Committee
for the theme of a particular year’s conference may be invited
for submission, such as the paper of Brian Bocking. This follows the
pattern set by the Occasional Papers series, and, at least for the immediate
period, identifies DISKUS as a replacement for the Occasional Papers.
Words of gratitude
need to be extended to those who have made this possible, particularly
Brian Bocking and Gavin Flood, who originated the journal, and to Michael
Pye, who incorporated it into an internet format. Also, thanks should
be extended to members of the present Executive Committee, who considered
seriously the practicalities of taking on this responsibility, particularly
Graham Harvey, the BASR Secretary, Helen Waterhouse, the Honorary Treasurer,
George Chryssides, the BASR Bulletin Editor and Marion Bowman, the Conference
Organiser and currently the President-elect. Of course, deep gratitude
goes to Mathew Guest for his willingness to take the lead in this project.
Finally, we want to extend strong appreciation to the Open University,
which hosts the website for the BASR, and which will care for the journal
in its new setting.
James Cox
Honorary President of the British Association for the Study of Religions
August 2006
- Frank
A Brief History of the Study of Religion
- Seth KUNIN
The Dialectical Relationship Between Theory and Ethnography
Mysticism: No Experience Necessary?
